2005 Programs
Sunday Feb 13th 5:30 pm, Grange Meeting Room, Town Hall "Pot Luck Supper" Alan Rohwer, "Plans for the new Boxborough Museum."
Sunday, March 20th 2:00 pm, Met at Boxborough Museum, 575 Middle Road "Visit to the New Boxborough Museum, Open Tour" Alan Rohwer, Host/Curator, BHS.
Sunday April 23, 2006 7:00 PM Boxborough Museum Jessica Rowcroft, Preservation Planner, Department of Conservation & Recreation Heritage Landscape Inventory Program's Freedom's Way Project
Sunday April 17th 7:00 pm Grange Meeting Room, Town Hall "Maps of New England" Kevin O'Conner, Littleton Historical Society, Speaker.
Sunday, May 15th 7:00 pm Grange Meeting Room, Town Hall "Underground Railroad, Myths and Realities" Bruce Harris, Seasonal Park Ranger and Re-enactor.